Free Baby Magazine - February 2010

The May Issue of the Free Baby Magazine is here!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Winner of the $100 gift card to DownEast Basics

Ashley C is the winner of the $100 gift card to DownEast Basics.

We had 29 people enter April Fool's Day Joke ideas. We used to help us choose the winner.

Congratulations, Ashley!


Winner of the Kolcraft double stroller

Chelsea M is the winner of the Kolcraft Contours® Options® II Tandem. She had 92 comments and 11 "likes."

This is her entry that won:

My little family would LOVE to win the Kolcraft Tandem stroller! We're going to need it, because we have TWINS on the way! I wonder if my 3 year old can push the stroller while I jog next to them? :) I'll have a lot of baby-weight to work off! This stroller looks so awesome, and would be a welcome replacement to our ...yard-sale-purchased 20-year old single stroller with 2 flat tires....
I'm drooling over this Contour Options II Tandem - I promise I'll be dreaming of it every night until the contest is over! Thanks for doing this contest and for a great magazine! And thanks in advance to all my friends/family (and any other kind souls out there) for voting for us!

Be sure to support Kolcraft:
